People can’t stop talking about the Partners For Power project. It’s a story with heart. A story about people coming together for a cause bigger than themselves. It’s a story worth telling.
We’ve partnered with filmmaker and photojournalist, Garrett Hubbard, to create an inspiring 5-minute video that will help you experience the story and share it with others.
Thanks for supporting the Partners For Power project!
Amazing video, thank you so much for sharing!
Awesome! Proud to know the heart of the employees.
Well done, it tugs at ones heart. Amazing job all, thank you.
Love love love that I got to be a small part of this project. Thanks so much for inviting me to tell some of the people’s story, their needs, and show what the the linemen did to help them.
Awesome job guys!!
<3 Tom & all the other N. MI power workers…amazing job! I cannot even totally imagine the full impact of what you guys did by bringing power to this Guatemalan village; you have forever improved the lives of these families.
It’s amazing how we take for granted all our electricity and modern conveniences, and how we freak out if we are out of power for more than an hour. These people are so over joyed and truly grateful for having two lights in their home. One outside and one inside. Makes you want to think twice about complaining when your power goes out. Good job to all the men and women who put all their effort to make this a true blessing for so many. A passion to some, and a job well done by all.
People can do amazing things when they all work together, great video. We are all proud of the linemen that made that trip, and everyone who worked to send them.
Those linemen improved the lives of present and future generations. Rural Electricity truly is “The Next Greatest Thing.”
Mark Harper
CFC, Retired
Proud of our Michigan electric workers! Working hard with good intentions and kindness to bring others a better life.